Monday, April 16, 2012

Blueberry Care

It looks and feels like Spring is finally here!
Yesterday my dear hubby asked me if it was time to "do" the blueberry plants... I answered..."Thank you!  I'll go out and look at the bushes!" I had completely  forgotten about blueberry care since mulching and pruning the area 2 months ago....

If you need the specifics look for April 4, 2011 blog.  
Use the "Search this Blog feature" or "archives 2011" on the right side of the blog. 

I think Spring took me by surprise this year....We had all that late March snow, I had my knee surgery and recuperation and then the Southern California trip...that tripped off my asthma.
Suddenly, the daffodils, tulips, flowering currents with the hummingbirds and DANDYLIONS are all out!!!  My rhubarb is huge!!!   When did all of that growing happen????

On Saturday I went to Fred Meyers  fuschia days.  I thought that I would check it was wild!  I went half an hour before they opened and learned the ropes from the old timers.   We had to buy our plants, get in line to put potting soil in our pots ( I brought my own planters) then tell the FM employee how I wanted the pots to  be planted.  I was out in an hour but the lines were long when  I left. I ended up with 10 pots for $30...not bad!  If my plants survive, I may do this again....

Back to the blueberry care...  YES!  When I went out to check out the bushes the buds were just at the stage for mummy berry prevention.  I also did the first of 3 fertilizations.  This winter I put my fireplace ashes around the berries so they should be acid happy for awhile. I look forward to good crops for the next  couple of years. 

Time to go out in the sunny orchard!  Enjoy your Springtime gardening!

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