Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Artichokes stuffed


This is the best artichoke recipe ever!!!  Simple ingredients and delicious.  

A Carpinitos customer gave me this recipe since I bought artichokes off their clearance table.

1. Prepare the artichoke by cutting the top, tips and bottom.  Scoop out the thistle center (the Choke).  I'm using a grapefruit spoon, knife and fingers.
2.Mix together the stuffing*. (cheese, bread crumbs & cooked meat such as sausage, beef**...)
3.Stuff the center of the artichoke and between the leaves.
4.Cook the artichoke on a rack in boiling water for about 40 minutes or until the center is soft.
     *you can substitute your favorite stuffing.
     **You want just enough bread crumbs to hold the cheese in place and not very much cooked meat but just enough for flavor.  I used sausage.

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